Laboratory Of Processing & Product Development | INSTITUTE OF PLANTATION STUDIES (IKP)
» LABORATORY » Laboratory of Processing & Product Development

Laboratory of Processing & Product Development


Laboratory of Processing and Product Development at its best addressing sustainability issues on the plantation by focusing on research activities that manage and utilise natural resources efficiently, support the human environment and preserve nature is the main goal of the institute.


This laboratory develops green products and processes using renewable raw materials, clean energy and improves existing industrial processes to reduce their carbon and energy footprint. The rapid increase in carbon emissions is a major challenge, mainly due to the increase in energy demand worldwide. Through plans and effective research and development, we are committed to conducting basic and applied research on downstream plantation products, developing, applying and transferring relevant knowledge, findings and research technology to enhance plantation processing and customized downstream product development. Sustainable development in oil processing makes it possible to introduce new products in the market (e.g. biodiesel, bio-lubricants, bio-jet oils and biosurfactants).


The strong emphasis on bio-based products is driven by a number of factors including climate change and global warming which caused by the releases of greenhouse gaseous, increased energy demand, dependence on fossil fuels, and the need to increase the efficiency of biomass utilisation for specific applications. Diversifying these new products and improving processing technology will definitely add value to plantation products.

Updated:: 17/06/2022 [ainzubaidah]